Welcome to our Web2 F2F Community, a hub for entrepreneurs and developers focused on traditional internet technologies. Join us to connect with like-minded professionals, share knowledge, and advance your Web2 projects.

Success stories
Panel discussion with the founders of technology companies moderated by Pavel Pikulev, Founder of EMCR.io, revealed the secrets...
The guest of the debut meeting was an expert in international networking with the highest diplomatic rank Aniset...
On July 15 at 17:00 Moscow time, founders of technology startups, investors and industry experts gathered at the......
On May 14, the second meeting of the community of tech entrepreneurs took place, experts and investors Founders...
On April 3, the first meeting of the new Founders to Founders club of tech entrepreneurs, experts and...
“Surprises are not accidental.” We want each of you to meet a potential partner, friend or mentor without...

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